Though nothing can be certainly said about the diet pill as to when it was introduced to mankind, the women over the globe is no doubt going gaga over it. In the past, being fat and having voluptuous body was considered to be beautiful. With technological advances specifically with the invention of television, looking good became an obsession. The increasing urge to look beautiful and slim prompted the manufacturers to introduce diet pills in the market.
The first such pill named as dinitropheonl also known as DNP was introduced in 1930. The manufacturers of the drug were hugely benefited with the initial success. Later the pill was learnt to be adversely affecting consumers with side effects including fever and blinded ness. This is when the Office of Drug Control banned it in US. Since then there have been lot of research that has gone into bettering the use and effect of the pills. About a decade later another diet pill known us amphetamines was introduced.
In the later years a pill known as hoodia gordonil was developed using plants hoodia. The plant back then was eaten by the local tribes of South Africa to suppress hunger. The study of hoodia plant led to the discovery of P57 molecule which has the ability to suppress appetite. Since there are various kinds of plants of hoodia family one needs to ascertain that the diet pill is made of the type of plant which consists of P57 molecule. Today, the world over one has the option of choosing best diet pills from the international market.
Do remember to exercise maximum caution in choosing the right one. You can do enough online research, check the labels for ingredients, interact with users, gather more information through any known source and most importantly under the guidance of an experienced practitioner you too can change your life. Looking good with diet pills were never so easy.
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